What are the things that music and fashion have in common? If you answered they touch people from across the world, they’re two things we can’t live without, they make us happy, they allow us to find our niche and identity, helps us to express ourselves….if any or all of the above answers came to mind, then you’re such a creative beauty it’s amazing! Because you would be absolutely right!
As fans of the music, we connect with our beloved artistes in many many ways; sometimes we love them so much that just singing a song, buying an album, watching a video, still does not make us feel close enough! So what can they do that will allow us to be even closer to them? That can make us feel super special even though we’re one fan out of millions? They can start a clothing line!!! A brand that represents them and their ideas, their vision, another form of creative expression! Best part is, we get to wear them on our body like a declaration of honour!! Absolutely amazing!!!
If your favourite artiste/artistes have not delved into the world of fashion yet with their own clothing brand, do not despair because they must have brands that they love and support, so by supporting the brands they love, you support them as well! Pretty cool right?!
Whilst we can’t possibly name every artiste’s clothing brand or the brands they support in one blog post, we can definitely start you off with some awesome brands to check out for great quality and of course, exceptional style!!! Let’s get into this!!!!
1- BAAD CLOTHING CO – https://www.instagram.com/p/CDE5bw9nPh9/?igshid=xq6cea8vdbmo
2-DEXTADAPS- https://www.dextadaps.shop
3- DETTA GEARS – https://instagram.com/dettagears?igshid=1nhhk5xcck48
4-GRACI NOIR- https://instagram.com/gracinoir?igshid=162t0ny9eghtg
5- PROTOJE – protoje-store.myshopify.com/
6- HIGHLIFE CLOTHING- https://instagram.com/highlifeclothing06?igshid=1t7pkxi3pggg5
7- HILLBOYZ PROMOTIONS – https://instagram.com/hillboyyz_promotions?igshid=x1hydi09rtdm
8- THE DOER BRAND – https://instagram.com/thedoerbrand?igshid=1fgybf6e209pt
9- THE HIDEOUT CLOTHING – https://instagram.com/thehideoutclothing?igshid=1rhbewszkagsf
10- THE UNRULY SHOP –https://www.theunrulyshop.com/